Procedures for divorce with foreigners in 2022
Divorce Counseling 28/12/2022
Procedures for divorce with foreigners in 2022 are always complicated. It often takes a vey long time to resolve and complete the procedures. So, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators will list the steps to file the petition for divorce with foreigners in 2022
Divorce Counseling 16/11/2022
In particular, Law on Marriage and Family stipulated 2 main types of divorce. Based on the situation of the husband and wife in their marriage, their divorce will be settled according to these types. In this article, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (+84) 903 419 479 will point out these types of divorce
The diffrence between unilateral divorce and consensual divorce
Divorce Counseling 12/11/2022
Unilateral or consensual divorce is a distinction between the will of two parties or one party to settle a divorce request at the Court in accordance with the Law on Marriage and Family. If you also have any questions related to these issues, do not hesitate to contact Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (+84) 903.419.479
Is it possible to regain child custody after the Judgemnet of the Court has obtained?
Divorce Counseling 11/11/2022
There is a saying goes “Nothing lasts forever”, it is true when two – marriaged people come to a decision of divorce. So, whether it is also true when the Court has held a child custody for one person, in other words, whether another one can regain child custody? Let us Apolo Lawyers – Solicitors & Litigators (Tel: (+84) 903.419.479) find the answer in this article.
How to get direct custody of children after divorce?
Divorce Counseling 07/11/2022
When spouses can no longer find common ground, divorce is an inevitable consequence. One of the complex issues in a divorce is deciding who will get direct custody of children after divorce. So how to get direct custody of the children after divorce? Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (+84) 903.419.479 will answer for you in this article.
How to get divorce with Vietnamese?
Divorce Counseling 27/10/2022
Globalization is a connection to bring countries and people closer together, which leads to the development of marriage and family relations involving foreign elements. In these legal relations, a divorce involving foreign elements or a divorce with Vietnamese is the matter that gets much attention. So, how to get a divorce with Vietnamese? In this article, Apolo Lawyers (Hotline: (+84) 903.419.479) will let you know about this question.